Freedom Heat Pumps Merchant Partner Scheme

Freedom Heat Pumps Partner Scheme
How it works?

Our merchant partner scheme operates with 5 simple steps:

  1. If your customer requires heat pump training we will provide you with a FREE link to Freedom Heat Pumps online training course. Which will provide the installer with a manufacturer accreditation, ultimately giving them access to extended warranties on the heat pumps we supply.
  2. If you have a developer/ self builder, we will be able to put you in touch with a MCS approved installer.
  3. You or your customer can send the project plans to and we will design a heating solution for the project.
  4. We will supply you with a full package solution for the project that includes our famous ‘Quick Start Guides’ & ‘Homeowner Handover’ Booklet
  5. You and your customers will have access to our industry-leading technical support team who are here to help pre & post-installation

This will give you as a Merchant the opportunity to offer a top range of Air Source and Ground Source Heat Pumps with the support required for the installer.

Apply for Freedoms Merchant Partner Scheme

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