Discovery Days


If you are a Heating & Plumbing Engineer then this event was for you.

I am sure that you have read all sorts of articles and stories online and in the media about Heat Pumps. Some good and some not so good - heat pumps are like marmite – you either love them or you hate them!

Well it might be stating the obvious, but after over 10 years in the industry we absolutely love them… We get asked questions on a daily basis for example: How easy is it to upskill? How long is the training? Is it worth the effort are they here to stay? We hope that we provided you with the answers, our guest presenters had extensive knowledge and provided their insights into the sector.

Our aim was that at the end of the day everyone left with a better understanding of the world of heat pumps and with all the information, contacts and support you need to come on board.

For those of you who was unable to attended we have up loaded all the key point you missed!


Photos from the Event

In case you missed it.
Videos from the event


Files from the event

Discovery Day Brochure
